Does Heropost support Reels?

Yes, Heropost supports Reels. All videos will be automatically posted as Reels.

Reel Requirements

· Container: MOV or MP4 (MPEG-4 Part 14), no edit lists, moov atom at the front of the file.

· Audio codec: AAC, 48khz sample rate maximum, 1 or 2 channels (mono or stereo).

· Video codec: HEVC or H264, progressive scan, closed GOP, 4:2:0 chroma sub-sampling.

· Frame rate: 23-60 FPS.

· Picture size:

o Maximum columns (horizontal pixels): 1920

o Required aspect ratio is between 0.01:1 and 10:1 but we recommend 9:16 to avoid cropping or blank spaces.

· Video bit-rate: VBR, 5Mbps maximum

· Audio bit-rate: 128kbps

· Duration: 15 mins maximum, 3 seconds minimum

· File size: 1GB maximum

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